Title: And The Crowd Goes [4/5] [5/5] Genre: Romance Rating: G Summary: "Hi, I'm Jung Yong-hwa, lead vocalist and guitarist of CNBlue and we'd like you to be our band manager."
Title: And The Crowd Goes [3/5] Rating: G Genre: Romance Summary: "I'm Jung Yong-hwa, lead vocalist and guitarist of CNBlue and we'd like you to be our band manager."
Title: And The Crowd Goes [2/5] Rating: G Genre: Romance Summary: "I'm Jung Yong-hwa, lead vocalist and guitarist of CNBlue and we'd like you to be our band manager."
Title: And The Crowd Goes [1/5] Rating: G Genre: Romance Summary: "I'm Jung Yong-hwa, lead vocalist and guitarist of CNBlue and we'd like you to be our band manager."